About AGET
AGET's Dust Collectors and Mist Collectors are designed to run continuously with infrequent shutdowns
for filter reconditioning and routine maintenance.
Don’t waste time worrying about non-production equipment. All AGET systems reduce maintenance
and the need for replacement parts.

AGET began in 1938 in Adrian, Michigan
Our founder, Dr. E.F. Buskirk, developed the first DUSTKOP Dust Collector to remove dust created by the casting, grinding and finishing operations in small dental laboratories engaged in the manufacturing of dentures.
DUSTKOP was well received by the dental industry, and AGET soon branched out into many other applications, including metalworking and woodworking.
Today, AGET manufactures over 600 models ranging from 1/3 HP to 75 HP units. Our complete line includes cyclone separators, self-contained unit collectors, after-filters, filter dust collectors, baghouses, bin vents, rotary airlocks, downdraft tables, benches, and booths, mist collectors and exhausters, all marketed under our well-known, registered trade names of DUSTKOP & MISTKOP.
The Origin of the AGET Name
The first initial of each founder and his wife spell out the name AGET.
A is for Agnes | G is for Gorman | E is for Elmer | T is for Tilly
Sales Force
AGET markets its products through a network of experienced manufacturers' representatives in the United States and Canada for a wide variety of dust collection applications.
Typical examples include woodworking, metalworking, powdered chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and agricultural processing, among many others. DUSTKOP products are also used for many OEM applications, and are installed in many vocational training centers and school work shops.
Higher Quality, Less Maintenance
- Welded construction
- Angle-iron supporting frameworks
- Heavy-gauge steel
- Continuous-duty industrial motors
- Heavy-duty material-handling fan design
- Individual major components bolted together for easy assembly